Tech Snacks are short, focused professional development sessions covering instructional technology, pedagogical techniques, online learning, and moredelivered in 30-minute chunks. You can download PDF handouts from past Tech Snacks sessions below.

Spring 2024

End of Semester Check-in & LMS Transition Update

Apr. 26, 2024 —This week, we wrapped up the semester by checking in with faculty and discussing some updates on the MUS LMS Transition to Canvas. We discussed the timeline and training opportunities with faculty, including week-long Canvas Workshops in May.

There was no handout this week. 

Faculty Discussion with Havre High School

Apr. 19, 2024 — As requested by a group of faculty, OTLE arranged an opportunity to visit with a group of Havre High School teachers and counselors. This was an opportunity for conversation about where our students are coming from and understanding the gaps they are navigating when coming from high school to college.

There was no handout this week.

Brightspace to Canvas Course Migration

Apr. 12, 2024 — This week, OTLE used Tech Snacks to help faculty fill out the Course Migration list and discussed the migration process as we transition from Brightspace to Canvas. 

There was no handout this week.

Canvas Transition Updates

Mar. 21, 2024 — This week, OTLE shared some information about the Canvas transition timeline, the plan for Canvas training and workshops, the migration process for bringing your Brightspace courses over to Canvas, the plan for getting faculty accounts created for those who wish to join Canvas prior to our workshops this summer. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

A Visit with the Financial Aid Office

Feb. 29, 2024 — As academic advising season approaches, it's important to know a little bit about how the federal financial aid system works in higher education. There are a number of financial aid implications to consider as students register for classes, including recent changes to the FAFSA. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Classroom Management

Feb. 22, 2024 — Effective classroom management isn't something that just happens naturally. It requires the intentional use of non-verbal communication, instructor personality, classroom policy, and many other subtle factors. This week we discussed some specific behaviors and habits that can help.

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Anticipatory Sets & Real Talk

Feb. 16, 2024 — A month into the semester, it can feel like you've really hit your groove — or like you need to find some new strategies to maintain student attention and your own motivation. This week, we discussed a foundational but often-overlooked classroom strategy ("anticipatory sets") as well as one strategy for improving the authenticity and depth of discussions (the Real Talk method). 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Meet the Recruiting Team!

Feb. 9, 2024 — How can we sustain interest in Northern's programs and continue attracting students? This week, we invited MSUN's Director of Recruiting, Jessica Fagerbakke, and the recruiting specialists to Tech Snacks as requested by faculty to discuss collaboration ideas and strategies for recruiting moving forward. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

AI Tech Tools to Try in 2024

Jan. 26, 2024 — One of the current, most talked about trends in higher education is the exploration of generative AI and how it can be useful for students and instructors in the classroom. This week, we discussed two new AI-based Tech Tools that faculty might find useful for their teaching practices: Educaplay and Diffit. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Library Resources and Faculty Survey

Jan. 19, 2024 — This week, OTLE hosted the new Vande Bogart Library Director, Sarah Velk, as well as Scott Guyant (Library Tech II). They provided an overview of what the library has to offer and spent some time collecting ideas about how the library can help faculty in their teaching, research, and service endeavors. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout. 

Start of Semester Check-in

Jan. 12, 2024 —This week, OTLE was asked by faculty to host a "check-in" to chat about the start of the semester. OTLE also inquired with faculty about Tech Snacks topics they'd like to see for the upcoming semester.

There was no handout this week. 

Fall 2023

End of Semester Check-in and LMS Transition Update

Dec. 8, 2023 — This week, we wrapped up the semester by checking in with faculty and discussing some updates on the MUS LMS Transition to Canvas. We brainstormed some timeline ideas and training opportunities with faculty so we can better serve them during the transition.

There was no handout this week. 

Gen Ed Committee Assessment Cycle

Dec. 1, 2023 — This week, OTLE was joined by the co-chairs of the Gen Ed Committee, Dr. Gwen Hart and Dr. Kasthuri Udayakumar, as they shared the findings from last year's Gen Ed Assessment Cycle. They also covered the submission process for this year's cycle.

There was no handout this week. 

Institutional Data with Jay Howland

Nov. 17, 2023 — By faculty request, we invited Institutional Research Director Jay Howland to join us for a day of Tech Snacks sessions about MSUN institutional data, Montana University System data, and how to navigate the various dashboards to get some of your questions answered. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Accessibility Summer Camp 

Nov. 3, 2023 — For Tech Snacks this week, we shared a session from the most recent Accessibility Summer Camp (ASC) Conference. Accessibility in education is a critical and ever-present issue, and the ASC is a great resource that we'd like to introduce. 

Click here to access the recordings of this year's ASC sessions.

Voice & Movement for the Classroom with Dr. Grant Olson

Oct. 27, 2023 — Dr. Grant Olson lead a workshop exploring how performance techniques (including aspects of the Alexander Technique) can be used to help instructors assess, evaluate, and modify their physical presence for effective teaching practice. We took a look at how posture and nonverbal gestures affect vocal stability and classroom engagement. 

There was no handout this week.

Trends in the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL)

Oct. 20, 2023 — Once per semester, OTLE likes to provide a synopsis of what's going on in the SoTL (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) world. We discussed some interesting themes we saw in SoTL studies and then did a quick review of three articles that may have useful perspectives and strategies for your own teaching. Some of the key themes include: aligning student and instructor views of learning environments; the impact of note-taking on learning; and managing digital distraction in the classroom. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Microsoft Tips & Tricks

Oct. 13, 2023 — As a part of MSUN's Microsoft Office365 license, all students, faculty, and staff have access to the Microsoft Suite, which includes a wide variety of apps that you can use both on and off campus. Some of these tools can be used to enhance your teaching and streamline your interactions with students, while others can simply make your life a little easier, especially when it comes to collaboration. This week, we dove into Whiteboards, Bookings, Scheduling Poll in the Outlook Calendar, some obscure Outlook settings, PowerAutomate, and more.

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Updates on the LMS Transition from Brightspace to Canvas

Oct. 6, 2023 — This week, OTLE wanted to hear from faculty about the upcoming transition away from Brightspace to a new LMS called Canvas. This transition is slated to take place by/before Summer Semester 2025, but we will likely have the option to switch sooner. What timeline would you prefer (sooner or later)? What kinds of support will you need?

There was no handout this week.

Program Assessment Workshops

Sep. 29, 2023 — Due to requests for support with Program Assessment plans/reports (due Sep. 30), we used Tech Snacks this week to host Program Assessment workshops in OTLE's new Faculty Training Center in Cowan Hall 103. 

There was no handout this week. 

Language and Land-Based Learning with Dwayne Lasas

Sep. 22, 2023 — In collaboration with the Little River Institute (LRI), OTLE hosted a guest speaker, Dwayne Lasas, who is an indigenous language revival expert and native speaker of the Cree language. Dwayne Lasas (White Buffalo Man) uses music, math, and Indigenous traditions to develop language recovery programs. In this seminar, he shared his teaching philosophy and explored the impact of culturally relevant learning. 

There was no handout this week. 

Regular & Substantive Interaction (RSI) & the Online Learning Consortium (OLC)

Sep. 15, 2023 — This week, OTLE ran a two-part session. First, we provided information about the Regular & Substantive Interaction (RSI) guidelines for online instruction that have recently been adopted by the Federal Department of Education and our NWCCU accreditors. Next, we discussed the Online Learning Consortium (OLC), that offers workshops on dozens of topics related to course design. OTLE received a Perkins grant award that will cover OLC workshop fees while also providing faculty a stipend for completing the workshop. 

Click here for a PDF of the RSI handout.

Click here for more information about registering for an OLC workshop through OTLE.

Generative AI in the Classroom

Sep. 8, 2023 — Previously, OTLE hosted a Tech Snacks session on ChatGPT and DALL-E, where we gave an overview of what these generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools are capable of and the basics of how they can be used. Recently, many conversations between OTLE and faculty have revolved around generative AI and its use in the classroom. Due to popular demand, this week we discussed how faculty can both address and use generative AI with students in their courses. Good or bad, AI is here to stay. Should it be banned from the classroom or given full reign? Can we find a productive middle ground?

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

"First Six Weeks" Themes in the Classroom

Sep. 1, 2023 — The first six weeks of the academic year present a pivotal opportunity for fostering a sense of community and belonging among students on campus. With that in mind, the MSUN Student Engagement Committee has worked to develop an intentional set of experiences that can help students connect with values that are important to our institution. This week, OTLE discussed the "First Six Weeks" program that includes many daily events and activities, each of which is aligned with a designated theme for that week. OTLE was joined by members of the MSUN Student Engagement Committee to help facilitate this discussion.

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Start of Semester Check-in

Aug. 25, 2023 — This week, OTLE was asked by faculty to host a "check-in" to chat about the start of the semester. OTLE also inquired with faculty about Tech Snacks topics they'd like to see for the upcoming semester.

There was no handout this week. 

Spring 2023

End of Semester Check-in and Course Checklist

Apr. 21, 2023 — This week, OTLE provided a course checklist for those who want to start working on their Brightspace course shells for the summer and/or fall semesters. We addressed some frequently asked questions about Incompletes, importing course content, editing dates, and organizing your courses.

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Article Review

Apr. 14, 2023 — Once per semester OTLE likes to provide a synopsis of what's going on in the SoTL (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) world. We discussed some interesting themes we're seeing in SoTL journal articles, and then did a quick review of three articles that may have useful perspectives and strategies for your own teaching. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Student Brightspace Survey Results

Mar. 31, 2023 — As part of OTLE's self-assessment process, each year we ask students to complete a Brightspace experience survey with questions about their Brightspace training, Brightspace habits, Brightspace learning experiences, and overall Brightspace satisfaction. This year, 107 students participated in this survey: 10 high school students, 25 freshmen, 22 sophomores, 19 juniors, 24 seniors, and 6 others. We integrated some new questions this year, and we had some interesting findings. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Concept Attainment and Formative Assessment

Mar. 24, 2023 — Often when introducing a new concept (e.g., "Impressionism") it's tempting to name the concept, explain it, give it a few examples, and then move on, hoping the students have internalized the meaning. The "concept attainment" technique is an inductive teaching method that reverses this process, requiring students to use logic and contrast to identify the concept themselves. We also revisited the topic of formative assessment in connection to concept attainment. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Introduction to Mastery-Based Learning

Feb. 24, 2023 — Do you struggle to keep students on pace with your course and with each other? Do you worry about students who seem to get further and further behind as the semester moves along? Mastery-based instruction might be for you. This is an instructional approach in which students are required to demonstrate a certain threshold of competence with a task or concept before moving on (often at their own pace). OTLE was joined by Design Drafting / Manufacturing faculty Aaron Riggin so that he could demonstrate how he has implemented mastery learning principles into his courses, as well as what he has learned from this approach. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Generative AI and Higher Ed

Feb. 17, 2023 — Fear and excitement about generative AI technologies such as ChatGPT (text generation) and DALL-E (image generation) have hit the headlines hard in recent months. What is generative AI, and what are the implications for you and your students? 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Dual Enrollment, Class 8, & Why It Matters

Feb. 10, 2023 — Over 100 high school students participate in the dual enrollment program at MSU-Northern. There are different forms of dual enrollment, and lots of potential benefits to the student, your program, and to MSU-Northern. This week, OTLE was joined by Kaci Nicholson, Student Records Coordinator and Evaluator, who also coordinates Dual Enrollment. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.


Feb. 3, 2023 — Grading can be an overwhelming task for faculty and a mystifying process for students. How do you maintain objectivity, clearly articulate criteria, and provide feedback in a timely manner? Rubrics can save time, prevent unintentional bias, and give students clear guidelines for how they're being assessed. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Intelligent Agents and Awards

Jan. 20, 2023 — Instructors often spend a lot of time tracking down students throughout the semester for various reasons, including student inactivity in a course and low grades. Intelligent Agents and Awards are both automated tools in Brightspace that instructors can use to reach out to students who may need it for multiple reasons, including login activity, test scores, and overall participation within a course.

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Start of Semester Check-in & Optimizing Brightspace

Jan. 13, 2023 — To kick off the new semester, OTLE discussed strategies for optimizing Brightspace with faculty. We also discussed upcoming OTLE events and inquired about possible Tech Snacks topics for the upcoming semester. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Fall 2022

End of Semester Check-in and Course Checklist

Dec. 2, 2022 — This week, OTLE provided a course checklist for those who want to start working on their Brightspace course shells before the start of the new semester. We addressed some frequently asked questions about Incompletes, importing course content, editing dates, and organizing your courses.

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Video Streaming with Kanopy

Nov. 18, 2022 — The MSUN library recently purchased a subscription to Kanopy, a streaming service that provides faculty, staff, and students access to 10,000+ movies, documentaries, foreign films, classic cinema pieces, independent films, and educational videos. OTLE was joined by MSUN Library Director, Patricia Dubosky, for a demonstration of this platform and a discussion about how it can be used in your courses. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Brightspace Video Note Tool

Nov. 4, 2022 — The Video Note Tool is a convenient feature that allows students and instructors to record and embed videos directly in Brightspace for announcements, content, discussions, assignments, and feedback. Brightspace provides auto-captioning for all videos recorded directly through the Video Note tool. For this presentation, OTLE was joined by Education faculty member Dr. Amy Smith, who demonstrated how she has been using this tool with much success in her online and hybrid courses.

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Accessibility Summer Camp 2022

Oct. 28, 2022 — In lieu of Tech Snacks this week, OTLE hosted streaming sessions to watch recordings from the most recent Accessibility Summer Camp (ASC) Conference. Accessibility in education is a critical and ever-present issue, and the ASC is a great resource that we'd like to introduce.

Click here to access all of the ASC 2022 recordings. 

The Role of Online Learning

Oct. 21, 2022 — Have you ever wondered whether online courses are as effective as face-to-face courses, or which modality students prefer? Do you know what percentage of courses at MSUN are taught online or what proportion of our students are enrolled only online? Are you curious about the number of Montana residents who are enrolled in online programs at out-of-state institutions each year? It's hard to grasp the exact role and potential of online learning at this moment in history, but data might be able to help us get a clearer picture of trends.

Click here for a PDF of this handout. 

FERPA and Beyond

Oct. 14, 2022 — Have you ever had a parent call you to inquire about their child's grades in your class? Have you ever seen a "confidential" flag in DegreeWorks and wondered what exactly it meant? OTLE was joined by the Registrar, Alisha Schroeder, to address some common FERPA scenarios and discuss other registrar-related questions. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

OTLE Gadgets

Oct. 7, 2022 — OTLE has a wide variety of "gadgets" available for faculty to check out for various teaching purposes—from GoPro cameras to graphic tablets. We'll introduce the equipment we have available and show some examples of how they have been used in the past to create different learning experiences.

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Informal Course Evaluations

Sept. 30, 2022 — Every semester, students are asked to fill out course evaluation surveys administered by the Provost's office. But what if you have a low student response rate or the survey questions are too generic to yield helpful input for your course? We presented some tools, strategies, and questions you can use to gather course feedback from students. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

The Benefits of Multisensory Learning

Sept. 23, 2022 — Research shows that when more than one sense is accessed during a learning experience, individuals learn better, even at a very young age. When we engage students in multisensory learning, we're not only increasing their opportunities to learn effectively — we're also facilitating the development of their foundational sensory systems. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Effective Peer Reviews

Sept. 16, 2022 — MSU-Northern's faculty CBA states that three peer evaluations are required for "(1) probationary faculty in each probationary year after their first (1st) year; (2) all faculty when applying for promotion or tenure; (3) all post-tenure reviews in accordance with 7.7" (CBA Article 7.4). But what does an effective peer review look like? What can you do to ensure an effective peer review process and letter, both as the reviewer and the reviewee?

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Upcoming Events with OTLE

Sept. 9, 2022 — To kick off the new semester, OTLE presented an overview of our activities for the semester and asked for topic suggestions for future workshops and Tech Snacks. The lineup includes: weekly Tech Snacks sessions, Faculty Learning Community meetups with 1st and 2nd year faculty, the Brown Bag Lecture Series, the return of our faculty reading group, and more!

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Spring 2022

End of Semester Check-in and Course Checklist

Apr. 29, 2022 — This week, OTLE provided a course checklist for those who want to start working on their Brightspace course shells before the start of the new semesters. We addressed some frequently asked questions about Incompletes, importing course content, editing dates, and organizing your courses. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

The Brightspace Pulse App

Apr. 22, 2022 — The Brightspace Pulse app is a mobile app that is available for both Android and Apple devices. During Brightspace orientation sessions, OTLE strongly encourages students to sign up for Brightspace notifications—either through text messages, emails, or the Pulse app. In our annual Brightspace survey, 67% of students who took the survey found the app helpful or very helpful. But what does it do (and not do)? What do students see? 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Updates from OTLE

Apr. 1, 2022 — As we approach the tail end of the Spring 2022 semester, OTLE has some general updates to share with faculty. We have results from our annual student Brightspace experience survey, some new Brightspace features to brief you on, and a quick overview of the new Brightspace-Banner integration system (IPSIS) and how it will affect faculty. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Formative Assessment

Mar. 25, 2022 — In the world of teaching, it's important to recognize that there are gaps between what we think we're teaching and what is actually being learned in the classroom. The continuous monitoring of these gaps, with the intent of closing them, is referred to as "formative assessment" (or sometimes less formally, "checking for understanding"). Even small formative assessment strategies can make a big difference in student learning.

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

The MSUN Career Center

Mar. 11, 2022 — MSU-Northern's motto is "Education that Works." Career perspectives and skill development are central to our institutional mission. Faculty can do a lot to open up students' exposure to career options and opportunities, but they can't do it all. This is where the MSUN Career Center comes in. From providing resume-building support, to organizing career fairs, to managing the co-op internship process, the Career Center does a lot to make sure that students can pursue their career goals. Lisa Moisey and Jen Henderson from the Career Center joined us to discuss what they do and how they can help you support our students. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Professional Development

Feb. 25, 2022 — Teaching is a profession with a high learning curve. As instructors, we learn every day — through our own experimentation, from our students, and from our fellow teachers. This week, we outlined the professional development funding process at MSUN and some key PD opportunities and resources that MSUN faculty can use to grow into their roles as instructors. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

OERs and Open Textbooks

Feb. 18, 2022 — Last week, we discussed some common barriers students face when purchasing textbooks and course materials. The increasingly high cost of publisher textbooks is an obvious and large barrier. Open Educational Resources (OERs) and Open Textbooks can help bring down the cost of new textbooks while still providing students with robust academic materials. But where do you find them and how do you gauge their quality? 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Textbooks and the MSUN Bookstore with MSUN Bookstore Manager, Sue Solomon

Feb. 11, 2022 — The textbook adoption deadline for next semester comes up quickly and always seems to catch instructors off guard. What aspects of textbook selection should you start considering now and keep thinking about as you plan for future semesters? Sue Solomon, the Bookstore Manager at MSUN, joined us to talk about the textbook adoption process, things to consider when selecting textbooks, and common barriers our students face. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Accessibility — Part 3 with MSUN Director of Accessibility Services, Johnna Antonich

Feb. 4, 2022 — Accessibility resource services and student accommodations can feel like a bit of a black box to instructors. How do students ask for an accommodation? Who decides if an accommodation is reasonable? What services are available to help, and what is the instructor's responsibility in all this? Johnna Antonich, the Accessibility Resource Coordinator at MSUN, joined us to talk about the process and to discuss some common barriers for students with disabilities. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Backward Design

Jan. 28, 2022 — Do you ever feel like you're just marching through the textbook without a great sense of what students are and aren't understanding? Are there times when you feel more like an activity designer or entertainer than a teacher? Backward Design -- based on Wiggins and McTighe's often-cited work Understanding by Design -- is a curriculum building concept that can guide you through some of these common pitfalls and dilemmas. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Your Brightspace Gradebook

Jan. 21, 2022 — Each year, OTLE conducts a Brightspace experience survey, and one of the common themes that students mention is the Brightspace gradebook. Students consider gradebook organization one of the most important aspects of their Brightspace experience. This week, OTLE sat down with faculty to answer questions and provide a list of gradebook tips for keeping the gradebook in tip-top shape.

Click here for a PDF of this handout. 

Fall 2021

Spring 2022 Brightspace Checklist

Dec. 3, 2021 — This week, OTLE provided a course checklist for those who want to get their Brightspace course shells in order before the holidays. We addressed some frequently asked questions about Incompletes, importing course content, editing dates, and organizing your courses. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout. 

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Article Review

Nov. 19, 2021 — Once per semester OTLE provides a synopsis of what's going on in the SoTL (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) world. This time around, we discussed some interesting themes we're seeing in SoTL journal articles and reviewed three articles that may have useful tools and strategies for your own teaching.

Click here for a PDF of this handout. 

Accessibility Part 2 — Slideshow Do's and Don'ts

Nov. 5, 2021 — We all have our own habits and pet peeves when it comes to slideshow presentations. Preferences aside, it's important to remember that the features we decide to use (or not use) have accessibility implications for students with disabilities. OTLE has some basic recommendations to help you make your slideshows more accessible for everyone. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

What Faculty Should Know about Student Financial Aid

Oct. 29, 2021 — As academic advising season approaches, it's important to know a bit about how the federal financial aid system for higher education works. There are a number of financial aid implications to consider as students register for classes. Cindy Small, the Director of MSUN's Financial Aid Office, joined us for an overview and a chance for faculty to ask questions.

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Mental Health and Burnout

Oct. 22, 2021 — This semester (and previous semesters) has been challenging for students, faculty and staff for many reasons. This week, we had an open discussion and presentation about mental health and burnout with Amber Spring, our Student Health Counselor on campus and Kalin Amende, a faculty member from the Counselor Education Graduate Program.

There was no handout this week.

Mid-Semester Check-in

Oct. 15, 2021 — This week, OTLE hosted a mid-semester check-in with faculty to discuss any questions or concerns they had regarding Brightspace and e-learning in general. 

There was no handout this week. 

Quiz Settings You Didn't Know About

Oct. 8, 2021 — The Quiz tool is one of the most useful tools in Brightspace, but there are some obscure settings, options, and quirks that you may not be aware of that can help you develop quizzes that best suit your needs.

Click here for a PDF of this handout. 

The Six Facets of Understanding

Oct. 1, 2021 — This semester, OTLE's Faculty Reading Group is reading Understanding by Design by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe. An important question that this framework poses is: What does it mean to "understand" something? "The Six Facets of Understanding" give us categories that help make it easier to recognize student understanding. Each facet helps enforce the idea that students must use their knowledge to perform effectively in order to prove their understanding of something. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout. 

Microsoft OneDrive

Sept. 24, 2021 — As of April 2022, the MSU campuses will no longer have access to Box, our current cloud-based file-sharing program. Instead, you are encouraged to use OneDrive, which is available through Microsoft Office 365. All students, faculty and staff have free access to Office 365.

Click here for a PDF of this handout. 

Generation Z in the Classroom

Sept. 17, 2021 — Today's traditional-aged college students range from ages 18-23, and they fit into a generational cohort many are calling "Generation Z." Studies have found some interesting trends that set Gen Z apart from previous generations. The purpose of this discussion is not to group students together under their generational stereotypes, but to present some general ideas and realities that many Gen Z students face. These realities have implications for students' learning styles and the ways in which we might teach them and communicate with them. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Accessibility Part 1 — Text, Links, and Videos

Sept. 10, 2021 — Accessibility and universal design are growing concerns in higher education, and they can seem overwhelming for instructors. The easiest way to tackle accessibility is to start with small, actionable changes. To help you out, OTLE has designed an accessibility series that we'll return to several times throughout the year. Each time we'll address a discrete set of topics and provide a step-by-step checklist to support you. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Fall Check-in with OTLE

Sept. 3, 2021 — This week in Tech Snacks, we had a variety of Brightspace updates to show and some announcements about activities that OTLE is planning for the upcoming semester. We also had a check-in with faculty to find out what you all would like to see this semester! 

There was no handout this week.  

Spring 2021

Updates from ITS

Apr. 23, 2021 — Marianne Hoppe from ITS joined us for a brief update on some technology changes on campus, as well as some important security reminders and a short Q&A.

Click here for a PDF of this handout. 

Brightspace Checklist for Summer Courses

Apr. 16, 2021 — Teaching in Summer 2021? This week in Tech Snacks, we provided a checklist for faculty who are preparing for summer courses and we addressed some frequently asked questions about importing course content, editing dates, and organizing your courses. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Article Review

Mar. 26, 2021 — Once per semester OTLE provides a synopsis of the SoTL (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) world. This time around we presented some interesting themes we are seeing in SoTL journal articles and gave a quick review of three articles that may have useful insights and tools for your own teaching practice. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout. 

Creating with Canva

Mar. 22, 2021 — Have you ever seen a beautifully designed slideshow or poster and thought to yourself, "Wow, I wish I had the talent and time to make something like that!"? These days, visual design matters a lot, and many of us feel woefully behind the curve. Luckily, there's an online program that was created precisely for those of us who don't have the money or mental bandwidth to invest in complicated graphic design software. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

What Students Think About Brightspace

Mar. 12, 2021 — As part of OTLE's self-assessment process, each year we ask students to complete a Brightspace experience survey about their device usage, Brightspace habits, and open-ended questions about their experiences as Brightspace users. This year we had 78 responses!

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Bringing Choice into Assessments

Feb. 26, 2021 — Tests and papers are common ways to evaluate learning, but they don't always capture what students know and they don't usually motivate students to show you what they have learned, through their own eyes. However, the practice of building opportunity for student choice into your assignments can address some of these problems. This week, we showed a brief presentation by MSUN English faculty member Valerie Guyant about how she has built student choice into her assessments, and how that has generated a lot of high-quality student work. 

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

How to Use the MSUN Library Databases

Feb. 19, 2021 — Have you ever wondered how to optimize your search with the MSUN Library databases? Are you interested in accessing your Montana Library2Go or Interlibrary Loan account? This week in Tech Snacks, we set up a Q&A with our MSUN Instruction/Reference Librarian, Belinda Potter, to help you address questions like these. See the following YouTube videos for a deeper dive into your Library resources.

How to Find a Physical Book in the Library

Searching Opposing Viewpoints

How to Use the Library Databases

Locating and Using Credo Reference (Database of Encyclopedias)

What is Chegg?

Feb. 5, 2021 — Lately, we've seen a lot of media coverage on a company named Chegg, the "$12 Billion Company [...] Getting Rich Off Students Cheating Their Way Through Covid." Originally, Chegg was most broadly known as a digital and physical textbook rental platform for students. However, it has also developed an online tutoring division called Chegg Study, which gives students access to homework help and archives of assignment solutions. While these services may seem harmless at first glance, some of them have opened the door for wide-scale cheating across college campuses.

Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Webex & Zoom Refresher

Jan. 29, 2021 — This week, we took a deep dive into the two main video conferencing tools used at Northern: Webex and Zoom. OTLE has also recently added a Webex Integration with Brightspace that can make scheduling class meetings much easier.

Click here for a PDF of the Webex handout.

Click here for a PDF of the Zoom handout. 

Fall 2020

Spring 2021 Brightspace Checklist

Nov. 13, 2020 — Nearly every time we ask faculty if there's anything we can help with, we hear some iteration of: "I'd love a checklist because I feel like I'm forgetting everything right now." In that spirit, we have come up with a checklist that outlines the steps for rolling over Brightspace course shells and making sure everything is updated in your spring courses.
Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Why You Should Promote the docReader in Brightspace

Nov. 6, 2020 — Have you ever had a student who struggled to stay focused when reading? Or perhaps a student who struggled to process reading assignments but easily remembered every word you said in lecture? The docReader tool is designed to help students with barriers like these by integrating a number of accessibility and study-aid features into Brightspace. Watch this video demonstration.
Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Remote Student Engagement

Oct. 30, 2020 — “Zoom Fatigue” is real, and we’re all feeling it! Getting remote students engaged on the other side of a Zoom or Webex screen can be a challenge, especially this far into the semester. Is there anything we can do to increase remote students’ interest and attention? 
Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Advisor Training Workshop

Oct. 23, 2020 — In lieu of Tech Snacks this week, OTLE facilitated a Faculty Advisor Training workshop. Please consult the Faculty Advisor Resources page.

Brightspace Rubrics (Revisited)

Oct. 9, 2020 — Grading can be an overwhelming task for faculty and a mystifying process for students. How do you maintain objectivity, clearly articulate criteria, and provide feedback in a timely manner? Brightspace rubrics can save time, avoid unintentional bias, and give students clear guidelines for how they’re being assessed.
Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Creating an Attractive Program Webpage

Oct. 2, 2020 — The web presence of academic programs is important now more than ever, as fewer face-to-face recruitment events and campus tours are happening due to Covid-19. What can you do to make your program webpage attractive to prospective students?
Click here for a PDF of this handout.

Managing Self-Paced Learning

Sept. 25, 2020 — Covid-19 has forced us to embrace more flexibility in the classroom, often in terms of pacing. In some cases, students face circumstances that are slowing their progress in class. In others, they’re asking to work ahead in anticipation of future obstacles. But how do you manage a class where students are working on different topics at different times?
Click here for a PDF copy of this handout.

Brightspace's Assignment Tool Upgrade

Sept. 18, 2020 — Brightspace’s Assignment tool upgrade has been released! At this time, users can choose whether to opt in or not. This is a work in progress for Brightspace but there are some nice features that will make creating new Assignments easier and more streamlined.
Click here for a PDF copy of this handout.

FERPA and More

Sept. 11, 2020 Have you ever had a parent call you to inquire about their child's grades in your class? Have you ever seen a "confidential" flag in DegreeWorks and wondered what exactly it meant? The Registrar addresses some common FERPA scenarios and discusses other registrar-related questions you're wondering about.
Click here for a PDF copy of this handout.

Everything You Need to Know about Zoom

Sept. 4, 2020 — MSU-Northern recently got an institutional license to Zoom: How does it measure up to Webex? Which videoconferencing service best fits your needs? 
Click here for a PDF copy of this handout.

Spring 2020

Curiosity in the Classroom

March 6, 2020 — Curiosity is the desire for new knowledge, information, experiences, or stimulation to resolve gaps in our understanding or to experience the unknown. When genuine curiosity is triggered in students, they’re motivated to fill in their knowledge gap. So how do we generate curiosity in the classroom? What activities or prompts can get students excited about their knowledge gaps?
Click here for a PDF copy of this handout.

Early Feedback & Intervention

February 21, 2020 — With more than a third of the semester behind us already, it’s critical to ensure that struggling students get the feedback and support that they may need. Early feedback and intervention strategies play a critical role in students’ academic success and retention.
Click here for a PDF copy of this handout.

Committee Involvement

February 14, 2020 — Service is an important part of the promotion and tenure process, but where do you even start? What committees exist, and what are their functions? How can you get involved, and what can committees accomplish?
Click here for a PDF copy of this handout.

Identifying plagiarism and getting the most out of TurnItIn

February 7, 2020 — TurnItIn is a powerful tool in Brightspace for detecting plagiarism, checking citations, and identifying sources. But are you using it correctly and to its full potential? 
Click here for a PDF copy of this handout.

Accessibility Accommodations

January 31, 2020 — Accessibility resource services and student accommodations can feel like a bit of a black box to instructors. How do students ask for an accommodation? Who decides if an accommodation is reasonable? What services are available to help, and what is the instructor’s responsibility in all this? Johnna Antonich, the new Accessibility Resource Coordinator at Northern explains the process.
Click here for a PDF copy of this handout.

Student Engagement Technologies

January 24, 2020  In the Office of Teaching & Learning Excellence, we try not to buy into technology hype without clear use cases and learning objectives. So far this year we’ve been playing with a few new tools that we think have a lot of potential for student engagement, both in and out of the classroom.
Click here for a PDF copy of this handout.

Fall 2019 


November 22, 2019  Burnout can happen in any occupation, but is most common among social workers, medical professionals, law enforcement officers... and educators. Burnout has both personal and structural factors. This is not a problem we can solve with 15 minutes and a handout, and it’s not something that can be fixed without institutional action. Let's start the conversation!

Serving Veteran Students

Nov. 15, 2019 — Military veteran students face a lot of extra hurdles and challenges that the rest of us may not even be aware of. Josh Gomez from Veterans Services addresses what faculty and staff can do to help veterans succeed at MSU-Northern.
Click here for a PDF copy of this handout.

Classroom Management Tips

Nov. 1, 2019 — Effective classroom management isn’t something that just happens naturally! It requires the intentional use of non-verbal communication, instructor personality, classroom policy, and many other subtle factors. We discuss some specific behaviors and habits that can help.
Click here for a PDF copy of this handout.

Using Cellphone Productively in Class

Oct. 25, 2019 — Smartphones can be powerful productivity tools, and usage among college students is approaching
100%. But they can also be major distractions if used inappropriately. How can we use smartphones inside — and outside — the classroom in ways that enhance learning?
Click here for a PDF copy of this handout.


Oct. 11, 2019 — Student advising is critical to student success, but it’s not easy. We discuss the advising process and offer a handy reference checklist that covers some of the trickier aspects of advising.
Click here for a link to the current version of this handout.

Cheating & Plagiarism

Sept. 27, 2019 — According to survey data of tens of thousands of college students, about 68% of undergrads and 43% of graduate students admit to cheating on a test or assignment. And cheating doesn’t come out of the blue — In a similar survey, 95% of High School students admitted to cheating. How can instructors catch or prevent cheating? More importantly, how can we cultivate a culture of academic integrity in our own classrooms?
Click here for a PDF copy of this handout.

Making Better Slides

Sept. 20, 2019 — PowerPoint and Google Slides are pretty ubiquitous when it comes to structuring a lecture or presentation. But are you making the most of your presentation? Are your students retaining information and engaging with the content as well as they could be? 
Click here for a PDF copy of this handout.

Spring 2019 

Beyond Gamification

Apr. 12, 2019 — The idea of gamification — using game elements to enhance student motivation and learning — has been heavily discussed and explored over the last decade. But gamification is just one category within a broader field of teaching practices that integrate games and play, called (among other terms) Ludic Pedagogy.
Click here for a PDF copy of this handout.

High-Impact Practices

Mar. 29, 2019 — Learning experiences outside the traditional classroom setting can have a number of positive impacts on students’ learning. “High-impact practices” (HIPs) like cooperative education, undergraduate research, and global learning can help increase academic engagement and performance, promote a sharper sense of purpose and connectedness, and develop 21st century skills and perspectives among students. 
Click here for a PDF copy of this handout.

Student Survey Results

Mar. 1, 2019 — As part of OTLE’s self-assessment process, each year we ask students to complete a Brightspace experience survey about their device usage, Brightspace habits, overall Brightspace satisfaction, and open-ended questions about how they’d like to see Brightspace improved. Here’s some of what we found this year. 
Click here for a PDF copy of this handout.

Three Cool Tools

Feb. 22, 2019 — Learning technology apps, tools, and websites are constantly being created, updated, closed down, sold off, or bought out. There are some great learning tools available online, but it can be hard to wade through all the confusion to find technology that actually solves a problem. FlipGrid, Webjets, and YoTeach are three promising new tools. 
Click here for a PDF copy of this handout.

Release Conditions & Intelligent Agents

Feb. 15, 2019 — Monitoring and guiding student activity in Brightspace is a daunting task, but there are tools that can help! Release Conditions and Intelligent Agents can automate some of those tasks and provide timely feedback to encourage and motivate students. 
Click here for a PDF copy of this handout.

Brightspace Analytics 

Feb 8, 2019 — Brightspace has multiple analytic tools available to instructors. Knowing how to access this information — and what to do with it — can help you improve your course design, pinpoint trouble areas, identify at-risk students, identify and deter cheating, and more! 
Click here for a PDF copy of this handout.

Dual Enrollment & Class 8

Feb. 1, 2019 — Around 70 high school students take college courses at MSU-Northern for college credit each semester. There are multiple forms of dual enrollment, and lots of potential benefits to the student, your program, and to MSU-Northern. 
Click here for a PDF copy of this handout.

Beyond Powerpoint

Jan. 25, 2019 — Most everyone uses PowerPoint to create a lecture or presentation, but maintaining student engagement can be challenging. Are there ways to enhance the effectiveness and interactivity of PowerPoint presentations? What if we want to turn off the projector and try some “unplugged” activities? 
Click here for a PDF copy of this handout.

Creating & Using Rubrics

Jan. 18, 2019 — Assessment and grading can be an overwhelming task for faculty, and a mystifying process to students. How do you maintain objectivity, clearly articulate grading criteria, and provide feedback in a timely manner? Grading rubrics can save time, avoid unintentional bias, and give students clear guidelines for how they’re being assessed. 
Click here for a PDF copy of this handout.